What does PEACE stand for?

PEACE stands for Pathway for Eating disorders and Autism developed from Clinical Experience. This name was chosen by patients from a selection.

What is the Comorbidity?

If you have both an Eating Disorder and Autism, you’re not alone. In fact, data from our own inpatient ward suggests that up to 37% of inpatients with Eating Disorders also have autism or high autistic traits. However, there is very little research on this. That’s where we come in.

Find Out More

ASD and AN Clinical Pathway

What are our aims?

Together with you, we want to develop a support network where we can share materials, tips and knowledge. We want to create a community that supports people with this comorbidity, their carers and their clinicians. We want people to be seen and for their autism to be acknowledged, understood and supported. We want carers to be recognised for the amazing jobs they are doing and to help support them. We want clinicians to grow in both knowledge and confidence at supporting this group.

How Can PEACE Help Me?

PEACE has developed blogs and resources specific to those affected by the comorbidity, their carers, and clinicians. Find out more by clicking on your button below.

Who is part of the PEACE team?

You! Anyone reading this, anyone using the materials, anyone with both autism and an eating disorder, anyone who knows anyone with both and anyone supporting them. We are an inclusive pathway and want to share what we have learned with you. We ask that you share what you learn with us to! We want to keep developing the pathway and its materials and this can only be done with people using them and giving feedback.


Have a read of our latest blog posts! Whether you want to read about someone’s experiences, learn more about the comorbidity or explore nutritional recommendations, we hope you will find something that meets your needs!

About the Brain: Autism and Eating Disorders

Neuroimaging Insights from the PEACE Pathway

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